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Finally, you’ll be able to...

Stop the cycle of infections & rashes, listen to your body & give it what it needs, and stop the sugar cravings in their tracks.


Total value is over $2,500

(But you get it all for a fraction of the cost!)

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Are you ready to re-write your health story? You’re not alone. I was just like you. If I can re-write my health story and find balance again, so can you. That’s exactly what I’ll help you do!


  • Chronic yeast infections

  • Embarrassing digestive issues

  • Anxiety that's through the roof

  • Intense sugar cravings

  • Skin rashes or eczema

  • Low energy, brain fog or always feeling sick

  • ​Feeling overwhelmed when looking into candida diets and other treatments

I was too. I finally healed, and now I'm here to help you FEEL BETTER.

Join for 8 weeks of coaching with group zoom calls, video lessons, helpful downloadable materials, a group slack channel, nutrition guidance, candida-friendly recipes, and mindset & stress management tools!

You don't have to do this alone.

When you’re at the end of your rope and feel like you’ve tried everything to feel better, it’s isolating. So many women have suffered in silence or felt alone when struggling with candida overgrowth’s symptoms. I’ve been there. I’ve been in your shoes and I feel so deeply about where you are in your health journey.

But please know, that you don’t need to do it alone, isolated, uncomfortable, or unsupported anymore. It's time to stop feeling like someone other than yourself. Stop spending hours on Google or Pinterest searching for answers. Stop feeling alone. Stop suffering in silence.

Instead, join a supportive group of women who are ready to take this journey with you.

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Thank goodness,
I have the perfect solution.

In this updated 8-week course, I'll help you learn what steps to take to start feeling great in your body again. No more feeling like you wish you could just crawl out of your own skin because that’s no way to live. Learn how to decode the specific messages your body sends you. Say "goodbye" to your frustrating digestive, vaginal, and skin symptoms. Stop the cycle of never-ending doctor appointments and dead-end treatments. Repair your relationship with your body & finally feel in balance again. Connect with other women who "get it" as you all commit to growing together.

If you're only looking for a meal plan, this course isn't for you. Because healing from candida overgrowth involves so much more than the food you eat. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I'm trained to help you examine different areas of your life -- beyond what's on your plate -- that could be contributing to your symptoms.

Stress, limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, and more can also be at the root, and we're going to explore them all together. This course provides a full holistic tune-up: mind, body & spirit. Not only will you help your gut, skin, or vagina feel more in balance, but your mindset, stress management, daily routines, and outlook on life will too!

And we're doing it together. Chances are you've been feeling pretty alone in your struggles. How many of your friends or family truly understand what it's like to be in your shoes? Together with the group, you'll bond through shared experiences, put new tools to practice, learn how to nourish your body, and hold each other accountable to your goals (and yes, you'll get sample meal plans and recipes, too!).

This course offers something different.

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Hi, I'm Shannon!

After struggling for YEARS with chronic candida issues like recurring yeast infections, digestive issues, weight gain, intense sugar cravings, anxiety and more, I finally took my health back into my own hands. After going through my journey and learning as much as I did and connecting with others on Instagram, I realized how common these issues are, despite so many of us feeling alone. I wanted to help more women fight candida & thrive in their own lives again, too. I became certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and now work full time as a coach with my amazing clients. I know so deeply what it feels like to be in your shoes, and I'm here to help you.

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Here's a peek at the first 4 modules


Module 1
Learn all about what candida is and how it grows, so you can begin to learn how to fight it.


  • Candida vs. candida overgrowth

  • Byproducts of candida overgrowth & their impact on your body

  • Common symptoms, root causes, testing & treatments

  • Group introductions in Slack & incorporating a food & mood journal to better identify your body's triggers

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Modules 2 & 3
Learn all about the diet & begin to make shifts to nutrition to support fighting candida and healing your gut


  • Common candida food triggers

  • The 4 Rs of gut health + 5 phases of a Candida Diet

  • Meal prep & digestion tips

  • Explore 4 tendencies & Enneagram to better understand your motivation style & accountability needs

  • Kick off a 3-7 day Candida Cleanse to begin & learn how to support your detox pathways and immune system

  • Begin the candida diet together w/ ingredient lists, delicious recipes & a sample meal plan


Modules 4
Dig into the role mindset plays in either helping us heal or holding us back.


  • Limiting beliefs & mental blocks - how they're formed, how they help or hurt us, and how we let them go

  • The Candida-Stress cycle & how to break it

  • How trapped emotions relate to physical symptoms

  • Mantras & Affirmations for healing

  • How to break bad habits & create healthy ones that actually stick

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Ready to finally do this with the RIGHT support?

Support in this program is multi-layered. Each group participant is chosen not only for their own health needs but for the role they'll play in supporting other group members in their journeys, too.


  • 4 Group Zoom Calls

  • 8 Modules jam-packed with info for you

  • Group channel for communication

  • Direct access to text Shannon questions

  • Accountability buddy to support you

  • Over 10 hours of video content

  • Dozens of downloadable PDFs

  • Candida-friendly recipes & grocery lists

  • The Candida Diet Survival Guide

  • Stress Management & Mindset tools

  • Guidance for 5 phases of a Candida Diet​​


  • Candida 101

  • Nutrition for Fighting Candida

  • Meal Planning/Prep Support

  • Gut Health/Digestion Support

  • Supplement Recs​

  • Stress management

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs

  • Hormones & Candida

  • Gut health

  • Vaginal health

  • Mindset support

  • The 5 Phase candida diet: 

    1. Detox/Immune support

    2. The Candida Diet

    3. Probiotics (to replenish good bacteria)

    4. Antifungals (to "kill" the candida)

    5. Reintroductions


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I've become a version of myself I've always envisioned- peaceful, confident and happy.

I was hesitant to sign up because I didn't want to make the wrong health choice, but I am forever grateful I did. Working in a group with Shannon has not just helped me understand myself physically, but the mental growth that has occurred is more than anything I could ever ask for. My relationships with myself, my boss, my family and my roommates have all improved.

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What are you waiting for?

The next round starts first week of April 2023! Apply to join at the link below!

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